
This documentary focuses on the lives of three African matriarchs: an elephant, a hyena and a striped mongoose. Their lives are difficult and with a lot of responsibilities. They will impact us and make us value, in a fair way, the role of leading females...

Cat and Hannah, two British women in their twenties, take on the gruelling 3000km drive along Central Asia's Pamir Highway - the second highest international road on Earth. It runs from southern Uzbek deserts, through Tajikistan's Pamir mountain range, climbing over 4600m, into Kyrgyzstan and...

The Madidi National Park—located in Bolivia—is home to rich and treasured natural land: the most biodiverse in the whole planet. The Director of the Madidi Park, Marcos Uzquiano, is a determined ranger who deems his service to this kind of preservation work a “calling.” In particular,...

By 2050, humanity will amount to 9,000 million people. More than 70 % of the world’s population will live in a big city. Cities must get prepared for the changes that have already begun. They will face the biggest challenge of the 21st century. The...

  The first documentary about the Human-leopard conflict in Sri Lanka, “Man Eaters: A Human Leopard Story” approaches the conflict by analyzing past and present cases of man-eating leopards in Sri Lanka and what led to their strange behavior. Unlike India, man-eating leopards in Sri Lanka...

Action-packed tour through the history of one of the most controversial subjects of the 20th century - nuclear power - as told by those who experienced it first-hand. Focusing on events in the US, UK, France and Germany, it charts its social and political development from the...

The Divide tells the story of 7 individuals striving for a better life in the modern day US and UK - where the top 0.1% owns as much wealth as the bottom 90%. By plotting these tales together, we uncover how virtually every aspect of...