
by Andrew Tracy - Realscreen UK boutique distributor Limonero Films has picked up international rights to the investigative environmental doc Tigre Gente, the feature debut of National Geographic explorer and DOC NYC 40 Under 40 honoree Elizabeth Unger. The film, which premiered at the 2021 Tribeca Film Festival, follows Marcos...

by Leo Barraclough - Variety National Geographic Channel has acquired Elizabeth Unger’s wildlife-crime documentary feature “Tigre Gente” in Latin America, where the film will premiere on April 22 as part of the channel’s Earth Day lineup. Limonero Films has acquired the film for distribution outside Latin America. “Tigre...

By Leo Barraclough From Iran to La Liga 1 x 70´& 52' Limonero Films, a boutique distributor of factual shows and documentaries, based in London, has announced a string of sales ahead of MipTV. Make Waves Media’s “Thirties in Color: Countdown to War” has been sold to Japan’s NHK, Italy’s...

By Leo Barraclough Boutique distributor Limonero Films is to launch documentary series “Ahead of Their Time” at Cannes television market MipTV, which runs April 4-6. The show will deliver insights from the entrepreneurs behind such ground-breaking enterprises as Lonely Planet, Airbnb, Netflix, TikTok and Zumba. The eight-part show was produced by...

By Leo Barraclough Variety Magazine Paris-based Italian director Gianluca Matarrese took a deep dive into the world of fashion for his latest documentary feature, “Fashion Babylon,” which world premieres on Saturday at CPH:DOX film festival in Copenhagen. Ahead of the premiere, he spoke to Variety about the film and upcoming projects. The idea...

Variety EXCLUSIVE: Boutique distributor Limonero Films has closed deals with Disney for two of its factual series. “Inside the Storm” is heading to the National Geographic channel in Latin America with “Iberia: A Land of Passions” going to Nat Geo Wild in Asia and the Middle East. Iberia: A Land of PassionsCredit: Limonero Films Combining...

Broadband TV News Alchimie has entered into a new content partnership agreement with the London and Barcelona-based documentary distributor Limonero Films. It will see Limonero Films provide Alchimie premium factual content from a range of acclaimed producers that Alchimie will distribute to its themed subscription OTT channels...

Señal News After participating in Natpe Miami, the international distributor decided to attend MIPCancún for the first time with very attractive factual titles. Pamela Martínez Martínez, Head of Sales and Acquisitions, tells her strategy for the Latin market. Limonero Films, boutique international distributor of  factual programming and...